Rich Challenge


On Monday I will make a 300 billion dollar deposit first, then I will buy some houses, buildings and real estate.

On Tuesday I would go shopping for my wardrobe, my parents and my boyfriend, my sister and my niece. I would also pay my bills. I would like to buy various electronics and automobiles.

On Wednesday I would make several donations to charities to help those in need. Various food purchases for all the places they need.

On Thursday, he would make donations to institutions that care for stray animals. I would also buy tickets for very long dates to travel wherever I wanted and also with a card saved only for trips with a very high deposit.

On Friday, it will make investments in exchanges and platforms. I would buy goods to build my own store. I would also buy gold bars.

On Saturday I would make donations to needy hospitals, to needy people in need of public health and especially here in the city's hospitals.

On Sunday, he would buy the best hotels in Dubai. Several houses on the beach. finally I would buy several things on the internet that I could buy until midnight.


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